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5 Strategies to Create Your Own Super Affiliate

Did you know you can create your own super affiliate? You sure can.

Contact, Contact, Contact ...
Did I say contact? You need to be front and center of your affiliates minds constantly. Keep in touch on a regular basis and create new reasons often for them to promote your product and/or service.

Motivate, motivate, motivate ...
Motivation runs a close second behind constant contact. There's nothing more motivating than affiliate contests and recognition. Offering enticing prizes on a regular basis to recognize a job well done is a surefire technique to motivate your affiliates.

Offer many creatives ...
By offering more creatives, you're not only arming your affiliates with the tools they need but you're also giving them a choice to pick and choose the creatives that fit them best. Encourage your affiliates to test various creatives to find the ones that work the best for them. You'll also want to be sure to encourage them to edit the advertisements to add a personal touch. Be sure to use a variety of forms of creatives.

Train your affiliates ...
You need to teach your affiliates how to sell your product and/or service. You're the one who knows the best way to sell what you have to offer so teach it to your affiliates. Consider holding monthly seminars and other forms of training to keep your affiliates up to date with internet marketing skills.

Offer support, service and consultation ...
Remind your affiliates regularly that they can come to you with any questions. Offer consultations to help them come up with an individualized plan of action. Offer a variety of forms of contact. By sharing your email address, instant messenger ids and phone number will help your affiliate feel more comfortable in contacting you the way they want to.

Use the above strategies like the bible of affiliate marketing and you too can turn your affiliates into super affiliates.

Anita DeFrank of YourAffiliateManagers.com offers a full service solution to assist you in building and/or managing a successful affiliate program affordably. Her goal is to recruit, motivate and communicate with you and your affiliates ... meeting the needs of both the affiliates and the merchant ... and bridging the gap between the two. Visit http://www.YourAffiliateManagers.com to obtain overall, maximum success with your affiliate program.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Anita_DeFrank

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