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Affiliate Marketing Tips - Don't Get Sucked Into the Worm Hole

Affiliate marketing can be such a trap. The shiny new product of the day comes out and everybody and their grandmother jumps all over it. Well, before you decide to climb into this hornet's nest, you might want to read this article first. Too many affiliate marketers get caught in the "product of the day" trap and it ends up leading them down a road that ultimately winds up at a dead end with no way to back out. So please take what you're about to read to heart. It just may save your income.

Okay, so why don't you want to jump on the product du jour bandwagon? Well, unless you're a crackerjack affiliate marketer, you're behind the 8 ball right from the start. See, when a new product comes out that is already quite popular, what usually happens is that you have hundreds of affiliates promoting it. This results in a sea of competition. Getting a leg up on everybody else usually requires some pretty slick marketing tactics...something that very few marketers know.

Then of course there is the problem with advertising as well. This is another area where affiliate marketers get sucked into the worm hole. See, the really clever merchants, in order to get lots of affiliates, provide them with all these tools, including canned ads. Now, don't get me wrong, the ads are very well written. However, the problem with using them is that EVERYBODY is using them. When this happens, it's impossible for one affiliate to stand apart from another. Thus, making sales is a crap shoot.

If you want to succeed as an affiliate marketer, you're better off staying away from the big seller at Clickbank or PayDotCom or whatever marketplace you frequent. There are plenty of products that aren't the hot sellers, but still sell well, that you could promote and make a nice income from. Also, when you do promote them, even if you DO use the canned ads (not recommended) you have a better chance of making sales because there aren't as many people using them. Still, coming up with your own ads is always best.

So please, don't get sucked into the worm hole of affiliate marketing.


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