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Affiliate Marketing - The Newest Trend in Business

In the 21st century, business does not only focus on personal transactions which we have been used to having before. We are now gearing into a newer perspective, and that comes in the form of affiliate marketing.

Affiliate marketing is a new trend in business nowadays because it is quite different from the conventional ways of earning money and dealing personal business transactions with others. It involves a revenue sharing between a website owner and a merchant wishing to advertise in his site. The website owner will place the advertisement on his site, and if people apparently take interest in what the merchant has to offer, people click on the ads, which lead to the site of the online merchant. Once that the viewers have taken interest on the products and services of the online merchant, they can quickly sign up in the merchant's site, whose link was provided in the advertiser's site. There are options such as pay per click (you get some points when people click on the ads), pay per sale (revenues are gained when people buy the offers of the merchant online) and pay per lead (advertisers get a point once prospective clients sign up for further news or alerts in the merchant's site).

The online merchants then send you your earnings through Pay Pal or any other similar sites. Affiliate marketing is quickly becoming a phenomenon in cyberworld as it is obviously no sweat for the advertisers to earn money without actually doing anything at all.


Affiliate Revenue